
Causes of High Cholesterol

Causes of High Cholesterol

Causes of High Cholesterol

  • 15 Sep 2022

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that your liver produces naturally. In most cases, high cholesterol is a “silent” condition. It typically doesn’t cause any symptoms. Many people don’t even realise they have high cholesterol until they develop serious complications, such as heart attach or stroke.
That’s why routine cholesterol screening is important. 
Meanwhile, here are some main causes of high cholesterol.
1) Eating too many foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fat may increase your risk of developing cholesterol.
2) Living with obesity can also increase your risk. Other lifestyle factors like inactivity and smoking can also contribute to high cholesterol.
3) Your genetics can also affect your chances of developing high cholesterol. Genes are passed down from parents to children.
4) Other health conditions like, diabetes and hypothyroidism, may also increase your risk of developing high cholesterol and related complications.