
Dengue Cases Are Rising

Dengue Cases Are Rising

Dengue Cases Are Rising

  • 20 Aug 2022

Dengue is a tropical-borne disease characterised by mosquito bites and the dengue virus. It spreads when an affected individual is bitten by a mosquito and that mosquito bites another individual. 

Dengue can lead to symptoms like high body temperature, intense joint and muscle pain, pain behind the eyes, nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, etc. 
There are no proper vaccination for dengue and all the vaccines are in the development phase. This poses a significant threat to people. 
đź“ŚThus, adopting ways to avoid dengue fever can benefit a lot more than trying to cure it.
1. Reduce mosquito habitat: Mosquito thrive in stagnant water containing objects like tires, plastic cover, flower pots, etc. Reduce the habitat.
2. Stay in well-screened houses: Ensure windows are closed properly and door screens do not contain any holes.
3. Use Mosquito repellents:
 Apply mosquito repellent creams on your body when travelling and even when you are indoors. 
4. Wear protective clothing:
One can go for long-sleeved clothes and full pants with socks and covered shoes, specifically when you are visiting dengue infected areas.
5. Sleep under mosquito net:
It can give you double layer of protection from being bitten by mosquitos.
6. Do not let water stagnant anywhere:
Refrain keeping any water plants in your household. Check if septic tanks, water pipes are in perfect order. Cover any vessels or drums that are used to store water.
7. Keep your house airy and well-lit: Mosquitos are commonly found in dark and damp places. Make sure your house is filled with sunlight. You can light camphor for about 30mins in your room to kill all kind of pests.
8. Time your outings:
Dengue can happen anytime or anywhere like during your camping trip on a humid day or when you are out for a walk in the woods on a rainy days.
đź“ŚIt is advisable to consult your physician if you feel any symptoms of dengue fever.